Constitution and Bylaws


Name and Summary Statement

The name of this association is “HONG KONG HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING ASSOCIATION ” 香港高性能計算學會 (hereinafter described as “the Association”)

High Performance Computing (HPC) involves the use of advanced computational systems and technologies, characterised by high efficiency and performance. HPC caters to computing tasks that require one or several of the following: handling substantial data volumes, executing large-scale computations, ensuring rapid response times, optimising power utilisation, adhering to stringent security standards, and maintaining a high level of robustness and scalability.

The Association is committed to promoting research, development, education, scientific and commercial applications, and enhancing public understanding, across all facets of HPC.


The Association shall be registered, situated, and operate in Hong Kong.    


  1. At the Asian regional level, the Association’s aspiration is to establish Hong Kong as a premier HPC hub, nurturing cross-border collaboration and facilitating knowledge exchange to propel the progress of HPC within the region.
  2. In the Greater Bay Area of China, the Association endeavours to accentuate Hong Kong’s significance in the HPC domain, capitalising on the city’s traditional role as a bridge between the East and West.
  3. Locally within Hong Kong, the Association is dedicated to cultivating connections amongst a diverse array of HPC stakeholders, encompassing:

– Individuals engaged in a variety of HPC-related pursuits, spanning research, development, application of hardware, software, and algorithmic technologies, along with their practical usage.

– Government entities with significant involvement in policies related to HPC, or utilisation of HPC technologies in their operations.

– Academic institutions, such as universities and colleges, that incorporate components of HPC into their educational curricula and research initiatives.

– Organisations that are active in various aspects of HPC, be it development, application, or commercialization of HPC technologies.


  1. Organisation Structure:

1.1 The Association shall be governed by an Executive Committee consisting of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, and up to ten additional members elected by the membership.

1.2 The Executive Committee shall be responsible for managing the Association’s affairs, overseeing its activities, and ensuring that it operates in accordance with its objectives and rules.

1.3 The President shall preside over all meetings of the Executive Committee and the Association.

1.4 The Vice President shall assist the President in the discharge of their duties and shall assume the President’s duties in their absence or incapacity.

1.5 The Secretary shall maintain the records of the Association, including the Register of Members, and shall be responsible for ensuring that all Association meetings are properly convened and recorded.

1.6 The Treasurer shall be responsible for the Association’s financial affairs, including the collection of membership fees, the payment of bills, and the preparation of financial statements for presentation to the membership.

1.7 The Executive Committee members shall serve for a term of four years, and shall be eligible for re-election.

1.8 The Executive Committee shall have the authority to appoint an official spokesperson for the Association, and ad hoc committees to address specific issues or aspects of HPC, through a majority vote of the Executive Committee. The ad hoc committees shall serve for a specified term as determined by the Executive Committee and shall be dissolved upon completion of their assigned duties. 

  1. Elections:

2.1 The selection of the Executive Committee members shall be conducted by voting for complete panels of candidates, rather than individual candidates. Each panel should comprise at least 10 members, including designated positions such as President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

2.2 Six months prior to the conclusion of the current Executive Committee’s term, an announcement shall be issued by the Executive Committee to all Association members. This announcement, inviting the submission of candidate panels for the forthcoming election, will be sent to the registered email address or physical address of each member.

2.3 The deadline for the submission of candidate panels shall be set for three months subsequent to the initial announcement.

2.4 Any active member of the Association, who has maintained their membership status for a minimum period of one year prior to the submission of the candidate panel list, is eligible to be included in a candidate panel for the Executive Committee.

2.5 The election shall be conducted one month prior to the conclusion of the current Executive Committee’s term. The new Executive Committee shall be determined by the majority vote of the members.

2.6 The election process, inclusive of the voting procedure and the tallying of votes, shall strictly adhere to the guidelines stipulated in the Association’s Articles of Association.


  1. The Register of members shall consist of Corporate Members, Individual Members, Student Members, Founding Members, Founding Corporate Members, International Members, International Corporate Members, and Honorary Members (by invitation of the Executive Committee). The use of membership categories as titles shall be as described in below sections.
  1. Eligibility

Membership in The Association shall be open to individuals who are interested in the advancement of high-performance computing and who support the purpose of the Association as stated in this document.

  1. Types of Membership

3.1 The Association shall offer the following types of memberships: Individual Members, Student Members, Corporate Members, International Individual Members, International Corporate Members, Founding Members, Founding Corporate Members, and Honorary Members.

3.1.1. Corporate Membership:

This is open to Hong Kong-based corporations or companies engaged in high-performance computing (HPC) and related technologies, demonstrating a significant contribution to the industry. The annual membership fee for Corporate Members is [HKD10,000].

3.1.2. Individual Membership:

Open to individuals who reside, study, or work, or have once resided, studied or worked in Hong Kong, and possess an interest in HPC or related fields, with a relevant educational background, qualifications, or experience. The annual membership fee for Individual Members is [HKD800].

3.1.3. Student Membership:

This is available for students enrolling in an accredited or recognized engineering, information technology, or related program, including individuals with an engineering or science degree, or a higher diploma or certificate in these fields. Student Membership is free.

3.1.4. International Individual Members and International Corporate Members:

International Individual Members are individuals who neither reside in Hong Kong nor have studied or worked in Hong Kong but demonstrate an interest in HPC or related fields. International Corporate Members are non-Hong Kong-based corporations or companies engaged in HPC and related technologies. Admission to these categories can be by invitation or acceptance by the Executive Committee.   The membership fees would be the same as ordinary members.

3.1.5. Founding Members and Founding Corporate Members:

These memberships are awarded to individuals or corporations that played a pivotal role in establishing the Association.

3.1.6. Honorary Members:

Honorary Membership is by invitation of the Executive Committee. Honorary Members are recognized for their significant contributions to the HPC field and become permanent members of the Association without a fee requirement.

  1. Application

A candidate for membership or affiliation of the Association shall submit an application upon the official form to the Secretary of the Association for consideration by the Registration Committee. The application form shall be accompanied by the first year’s dues and any other required fees.

Membership Rights

  1. Attend meetings: Members have the right to attend all regular and special meetings of the Association. This includes the annual meeting where a new panel of officers are elected and other important business is conducted.
  2. Participate in activities: Members have the right to participate in all activities. This includes workshops, seminars, and other events that are organised by the Association.
  3. Vote in elections: Members have the right to vote. This includes the election of officers and any other important decisions that require a vote.
  4. Access to resources: Members have access to all resources provided by the Association, including its website, online forums, and any other resources that may be made available.

Corporate Membership:

Corporate members shall have the right to send representatives to association meetings, participate in association activities and events, exercise their voting rights in association elections, and receive association communications. Corporate members are expected to uphold the mission and values of the association and pay their annual dues promptly. In addition to these general membership benefits, corporate members shall enjoy exclusive access to networking events with industry experts and professionals, business-matching events with C-Suite or Director-level professionals in the HPC industries, speaking opportunities, networking and business-matching events organised or supported by the Association, free posting of job ads and career talks on the association’s website and social networks, opportunities to join sub-committees or advisory boards, and eligibility to vote in the Annual General Meeting.

Individual Membership:

Individual members shall have the right to participate in association activities and events, exercise their voting rights in association elections, and receive association communications. Individual members are expected to uphold the mission and values of the association and pay their annual dues promptly. In addition to these general membership benefits, individual members shall enjoy the opportunity to join networking or job fairs events, participate in events organised by the Association, and receive communications from the association. Individual members shall also have voting rights in association elections.

Student Membership:

Student members shall have the right to participate in association activities, events, seminars, and job fairs organised by the Association. However, they shall not have voting rights. Student members are expected to uphold the mission and values of the association and pay their annual dues promptly. In addition to these general membership benefits, student members shall also receive Association communications.

Membership Obligations:

  1. Pay dues: All members, except honorary members, are required to pay annual dues to the Association. These dues help to support the activities and operations of the Association.
  2. Follow the rules: Members are expected to uphold the constitution of the Association.
  3. Attend meetings: Members are encouraged to attend all regular and special meetings of the Association. 
  4. Participate in activities: Members are encouraged to participate in all the activities. This includes workshops, seminars, and other events that are organised by the Association.
  5. Share knowledge: Members are expected to share their knowledge and expertise with other members of the Association. This helps to promote collaboration and knowledge sharing within the Association.
  6. Volunteer: Members are encouraged to volunteer their time and expertise to help with the activities and operations of the Association. This includes serving on committees, helping to organise events, and any other activities that may be required.


Regular meetings

The Association shall hold regular meetings at least once a year.

Election meeting

The Association shall hold a meeting for the purpose of electing officers and conducting other business as necessary.

Special meetings

Special meetings may be called by the President or by a majority vote of the members of the Association.



The Executive Committee shall appoint sub-committees as necessary to carry out the work of the Association, and ad hoc committees for special purpose from time to time.

Committee chairs

The Executive Committee shall appoint a chair for each committee.

Committee reports

Committee chairs shall submit reports of their activities to the Executive Committee as requested.



The Association may collect dues from its members as necessary to support its activities. The source of funding shall be the membership fees as indicated in Sec. 3.1.  (The usage of funding is given in the Activity Plan document.)

Source of Funding:

  • Membership Fees: Collect annual or periodic membership fees from society members.
  • Sponsorships: Obtain sponsorships from businesses or institutions interested in supporting the society’s initiatives.
  • Grants: Apply for grants from government agencies, foundations, or other funding organisations that align with the society’s goals and objectives.
  • Advertising and Partnerships: Establish partnerships with relevant businesses or institutions for advertising or promotional opportunities in exchange for financial support.

Usage of Funds:

  • Operational Expenses: Cover day-to-day operational costs such as rent, utilities, office supplies, and communication expenses.
  • Events and Programs: Allocate funds for organising events, conferences, workshops, seminars, or educational programs related to the society’s mission.
  • Guest Speakers and Presenters: Budget for inviting and hosting guest speakers or presenters for society events or educational sessions.
  • Publications and Materials: Allocate funds for the creation, printing, and distribution of publications, educational materials, or research papers.
  • Outreach and Awareness: Use funds to promote the society’s mission and activities through marketing, advertising, and outreach campaigns.
  • Scholarships and Grants: Allocate funds for providing scholarships, grants, or financial assistance to deserving individuals or organisations aligned with the society’s objectives.
  • Research and Development: Set aside funds for research projects, studies, or initiatives that contribute to the advancement of the society’s field of interest.
  • Technology and Equipment: Budget for the purchase, maintenance, or upgrade of necessary technology, equipment, or software used by the society.
  • Administration and Governance: Allocate funds for administrative tasks, legal compliance, insurance, and other governance-related expenses.
  • Reserve Fund: Maintain a reserve fund to address unforeseen expenses or to support future initiatives and sustainability of the society.

Financial records

The Treasurer shall keep accurate records of all financial transactions of the Association.


The Treasurer shall prepare an annual budget for approval by the Executive Committee and release to all members of the Association.


Amendment process

This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members of the Association present at a regular or special meeting.

Notification of proposed amendments

Proposed amendments must be presented in writing to the membership at least two weeks prior to the meeting at which they will be voted upon.


Dissolution process

The Association may be dissolved by a two-thirds vote of the members of the Association present at a regular or special meeting.

Disposition of assets

In the event of dissolution, all assets of the Association shall be distributed to an organisation or organisations with purposes similar to those of the Association, as determined by the Executive Committee.


  1. Elections:

The nomination period for Executive Committee positions shall open at least three months prior to the quadrennial general meeting and shall close at least one month prior to the meeting.

Members of the Association may propose a candidate panel for the Executive Committee by submitting a completed candidacy form to the Secretary of the Executive Committee during the nomination period.

Each candidacy form should include the names, contact information, and brief biographies of each panel member, along with a collective statement of goals for their potential term.

The Secretary will compile a list of all candidate panels and distribute this to all Association members at least one month prior to the quadrennial general meeting.

Voting will be conducted by secret ballot during the quadrennial general meeting. The panel that receives the highest number of votes will be elected to form the new Executive Committee.   

  1. Executive Committee:

The Executive Committee shall convene a meeting, either in-person or online, at least once every six months to discuss and oversee the Association’s activities.

The Secretary is responsible for preparing an agenda for each Executive Committee meeting, which should be distributed to the Executive Committee Members at least one week prior to the meeting.

The President will preside over all Executive Committee meetings and has the authority to call special meetings as necessary.

The Executive Committee has the authority to make decisions on behalf of the Association in between general meetings, in compliance with the Association’s Article of Association.

The Executive Committee is required to provide reports to all members of the Association at least annually. These reports should cover the Association’s activities, financial situation, and other matters of potential interest to members.”

  1. Election 

The nomination period for Executive Committee positions shall open at least three months prior to the quadrennial general meeting and shall close at least one month prior to the meeting.

Members of the Association may form a candidate panel of the Executive Committee by submitting a candidacy form to the Secretary of the Executive Committee during the period that the candidacy is open.

Candidacy forms shall require the names, contact information, biographies, of each person on the panel, and a statement of goals of the panel.

The Secretary shall compile a list of all panels and distribute it to the membership at least one month prior to the quadrennial general meeting.

Voting shall be conducted by secret ballot at the quadrennial general meeting.

The panel with the highest number of votes shall be elected.

  1. Executive Committee:

The Executive Committee shall meet in person or on-line at least once every six months to discuss and oversee the Association’s activities.

The Secretary shall prepare an agenda for each Executive Committee meeting and shall distribute it to the Executive Committee Members at least one week prior to the meeting.

The President shall preside over all Executive Committee meetings and shall have the authority to call special meetings as needed.

The Executive Committee shall have the authority to make decisions on behalf of the Association in between general meetings.

The Executive Committee shall provide regular reports to the membership on the Association’s activities, finances, and other matters of interest.